Well a lot has happened since the last post. The Wednesday night ride has become a staple, and then receded into the past. After leaving the country for the first time, I have a skewed and renewed vigor for random tidbits for life.
After leaving for Mexico, I was excited for my future. I couldn't imagine a world outside the country I had known. What I saw blew me away. If you are an American (from the USA, you will not be surprised) and travel to Cancun, Mexico, you will find what you are looking for. Hell let me put it this way. If I were going there to get completely wasted (a la Iowa City-tailgating style), I would be disappointed.
While the "luxurious" amenities abounded, I was significantly disinterested. I met some sweet people, but could not imagine a more watered down experience. Was it not a fabulous honeymoon? Of course it was. Emily and I experienced gorgeous views, beautiful seas and magnificent beaches in the company of our one true love. We were in heaven. Anything we wanted to eat or drink for 10 days, while in the company of the only individual on the planet that was significant.
So compared to Brazil, what did I experience? Everything. The beautiful people of the country emblazoned my memory with imagery that I cannot begin to describe. The love, care, and emotion with which they displayed their passion for their homeland left little to question, and much to be desired. I can only begin to describe the experience in picture rather than words.
I apologize as I struggle to find purchase on what my blog has come to be, but I have struggled to describe my personal experiences over the past couple of months as I see them now. I would say that things have changed drastically, but they haven't.
I haven't stagnated. I have advanced. I have raced. I have biked. I have loved. I have been overly corny. I have been a poor husband. I have grown as a human being. To say that I have done anything other than stagnated would be a travesty.
I apologize for being dramatic previously, and continuously. I was in a weird place, and quite honestly still am. This whole season has left me humbled on the bike and in my learning environment. Some might think that to be a weird statement, but I will leave you with this. Try walking in someone else shoes for a minute. It might throw you off for a while.
On to Gnomefest. If you don't know what it is. Listen up, learn yourself somethin'. Get to the 'Scons, and live a little. I'll be back soon.