Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Let's just say I'm over it.

In so many words I'm over it. I'm over the little slump. I'm over being lazy in so many ways it is refreshing. I got kicked out of my riding funk today by a cop. Well actually it was the other day, which I didn't realize. And then another one made me realize that the other one had kicked me out of my funk. Needless to say, F*ck cars. Bring on some snow. I am equipped and ready to go. I never did get around to setting the Monster Truck up with a freewheel and a rear brake, but screw it. I need a new rear tire (the Mythos is trashed) so it is either time for an XDX or some studs. Then I will have an ice bike, and a snow bike. I don't really know if a fixed bike is good for ice, but we'll see.

I have also been lazy in tearing down the SSuperfly. It definitely needs some love in the bb/hub area. Yeah they are both King, but screw it, they are easy enough to overhaul and probably should be done once a year (especially after what I put it through.) over. it.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

All right time

All right it is time to start thinking about 2010. We are only a couple of months off and it is time as I am relaxing from riding to determine what the heck I am going to do in 2010. Number 1 above all else is get married. That is huge. So racing may take a little bit of a side seat to riding. I'll still be riding, and racing too, I will just be picking more selectively. Which means that my goals for 2010 vs. 2009 will be different. My winter is going to have to be pretty good to ensure that next season is going to be worth a darn.

So screw the racing stuff. What am I going to do for a geared race bike? I really want to give racing gears a chance next season. I have options upon options, but I really think I would like to go steel. Obviously in comparison to my Superfly SS, it would be a crazy decision, but my Karate Monkey is so stiff and comfortable ride quality wise, that I could save a little cash and go that route. I could just pull the drivetrain off of the Zombie Monkey and internal that sucker out. That option will also leave the Superfly in the garage instead of in the MTBR Classified section just in case I decide to scrap the geared idea.

So the next question is which builder? I have three in mind. All three are no frills, straight bike kind of guys. Nothing wacky, or cool, just no bull shit frames. One option is actually fillet brazed, and quite honestly I feel an industry secret. Not to bring it up, but one of his frames was reviewed in MTB Action years ago and even then they raved about how well the bike rode. I have wanted one of his frames for years, and now would be a great chance to own one.

So let me know, who should build my bike? Doug Curtiss would be my no.1, followed by Walt Wehner, then Tom Teesdale. Tom is a local guy and has been building frames for 30+ years. I would love to own a bike from him, but it would almost have to be a single speed. Remember, I don't want a show queen of a bike. If you've ever seen my Superfly, the frame is raced and well used (thus the reason I kind of want a steel bike for racing, ti is going to be my 5-10 year anniversary present). So let me know who else is blowing you away. I am picky, but these builders are top notch for sure.

I just don't know what to do. I am questioning everything right now about next mountain bike race season. I just want the ride to be the last thing I am worried about. There will be plenty of other things on my mind.

In the mean time, Suck it bike. I'm relaxing.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Where have I been?

I've been racing, then not racing, training and now, after many months of training ( and then racing) I'm out! No more racing! Well except for Jingle Cross, and maybe a couple of other selected races. What has happened since Seven Oaks? 30 day's in the saddle (approximation) some of those hard days, some of them lazy. 30 beers (not an approximation, actually a down right lie.) One Gnomefest (and one super rocked, Iowa packed Alleycat top 3!) Many other things including cross bike and road bikes (although not in that order.)

Needless to say I wrap up my first actual season of racing with many thoughts in mind. All of which I have gained endless knowledge and good times from, but now which I happily leave in the past. Now is the time for Zombie Monkey's, studies, wool, snow, and XC skis. Oh and beer. Thanks to everyone for the craziness that has been the 2009 race season.

Thanks Kent for kickin' it off back on March 8. It sucked and I hate you. But you hate yourself for that day too. Thanks to the folks down in Arkansas. Not only do I hate you, but you hate you enough not to even run the 80 mile Ouachita Challenge again. I'm glad that I participated in that one before you axed it. 'Cause it was more brutal than 75/120 people realized.

Otherwise thanks to the new work family I so graciously was accepted into this season. Thanks for welcoming me in and kicking me in my ass. Sorry to all the family folk. I miss you Price, Lazio, and D'Quack Attack (Fridays just aren't the same...)

Otherwise I can't say enough. What one year brings. Not that this is the end of it, but hell if I am going to describe anything else that happened. Maybe a couple of other small details about the remainder, but it was a whirlwind ride that not even I was prepared for. I never knew how crazy racing some mountain bikes could be nor how far I could push myself. All in all a crazy awesome year of riding with all my friends. Now time for mas beers and many days spent on the Zombie Monkey.
