Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Today = 25.

Today I turn 25. What does that mean? A quarter century down and no significant change to the world's policies, beliefs or anything else for that matter. I'm getting "older" and don't give a flying crap one way or the other. If by older it means getting stronger, then I'm all for it. I've been working my butt of to get fit, stay fit, and train within bounds my body has never reached or felt.

One thing about cycling is time is a great factor. If you keep riding you will get faster. There will be times when you are slow. There will be times when you are fast. If you keep riding and training year round you will ineveitably get stronger. You will get more comfortable. I am on an upsweep that started 4 years ago and is still moving forwards. My legs aren't all there yet. Mentally I feel great.

Last night I got dropped off of College Green group ride so hard that some would probably shell out and quit. I mean bad habit. I mean guttered to the 'enth degree. Yoyo'd off the back. Making the dumbest decisions on which wheels to grab and not being able to do anything about it. My legs were toast. This came after 4 previously rough days of windy (both pronunciations of the word) roads and two days of big gear SS mountain bike riding. I saw that the old Creepy was rolling a similar gear up at Iola. Maybe I'm getting a little stronger. Maybe a little dumber.

Either way cheers to all of those hitting the grind and the pedals today. This is to you oh Biker Guy who rides his bike everyday. Keep getting on that saddle and riding. It'll only make you stronger. Maybe. Or dumber.

Life lesson of being 25- Riding mountain bike fixies with huge gears can be the dumbest decision you ever make. Think long and hard before you do.

Hair cut.

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