So the bus is in the shop, and it is running. I don't know who all is getting on board, but we definitely have two riders in the mix. Maybe three and if we could get a fourth, well we might as well start a union. No one probably gets that much. Except for the other possible bus passengers. Oh and my bus has a carbon hood. And by special it means it is going to run some people over.
In other news SSWC09 registration has openned. That may or may not be a good thing. It would be good if you happen to be particularly creative, artistic, or downright dirty. Luckily I am secretly the last of the three. My big question is whether or not to stay in the lines. The adult in me is aiming at yes, but the little kid inside every "grown" adult male has to question that descision every second.
So get those entries rockin'. Or the SS Party Patrol is going to smack down your b***h a***s.
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