Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Getting that itch.

And I don't mean anything but multiple mental ones. I am glad we still have snow on the ground, but I am really itching to hit the pavement. I had a great time last season on the road bike, and I already had a couple of long ones in this time last year. Now, I won't jinx it either, cause I love skiing as well. As long as it isn't cold, slushy and frozen, I am in.

I am itching to get my hands on my mountain bike for the season. I have quite a number of things on order, and I have a feeling that I have a wait ahead of me. Everyday I check on my frame, and I wait until the next. I am around the 1 month countdown to ETA. I am waning patience.

Otherwise school is going well. Not as well as last semester, but these Olympics are killing me. I get home after work and school, and it is too easy to hop on the trainer and zone out for a couple of hours instead of read or crank out math problem after math problem.

I want some new crap to play with for sure. I wish I would get my wheels so I could get at least get them assembled a look at them while I am sitting around doing nothing. I am just ready to ride. This week put it into motion.

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